


ABC PROS appreciates and welcomes all contractors regardless of gender, race, occupation, size, or location. Our main interest is to provide each one of you an opportunity to work together with us according to your own necessity and availability, and most importantly, according to your own desire and operating capacity.



ABC PROS classifies and certifies contractors based on the following criteria:

• License Type

• License status

• Place of operation

• Years of Experience

• Response Level

• Professionalism

• Appearance

We also classify all our customers and contractors based on three levels of economies. Those three levels of economies are represented by the three letters of our company’s name and that’s one of the main reasons why we chose that name: ABC PROS, because it allows us to classify both of the two main members of the construction process, the Customer and the Contractor, and in that fashion, we can always assign the right contractor to the right customer based on their economies.


In the case of the contractors, the following information will give you an idea how our classification system works:

• Type A contractors:

Type A contractors, are economically self-sufficient construction companies, have an operational office with staff, architects, engineers, and other professionals in their own circle, have one or more licenses to operate, have teams of workers available and under their payroll, their level of response is immediate, and they always finish their jobs on time, but their cost level is considered the highest.

• Type B Contractors:

Type B contractors are legally well-incorporated companies, these could be professionals with one or more licenses to operate, but they usually work in a small office without staff or directly from home. Most of them don’t have a good economy, they depend on the projects they develop on a daily or weekly basis, they don’t have any type of staff working directly or under their payroll and therefore, their level of response is slower. Their cost level is considered medium.

• Type C Contractors:

Type C contractors are individuals who are experts in one or more trades in the construction industry, but who are not licensed to operate. Most of these unlicensed professionals are employed by construction companies, but also, some operate on their own whenever possible. ABC PROS certifies all its contractors and avoids recruiting unlicensed professionals who can't be identified or have no referrals. Because most of these workers are paid per day, their cost level is considered low.

With these classifications, a Type-A Contractor can outsource a Type-B Contractor or multiple Type-C Contractors, in that fashion project costs can be combined and balanced to save and earn more money.

For more information about ABC PROFESSIONAL NETWORK and/or any of the programs or services provided by this company, please contact us at your earliest convenience and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Thank you.


Who is it for?

All Contractors must be licensed to perform certain types of construction activities. They must also be in strict compliance with bonding, workers compensation insurance, and other similar regulations. All require extensive training, testing, certification, and background investigations. Licensed contractors must meet specific insurance requirements.

There are various types of contractors:

General Contractor

The General Contractor is responsible for the execution, supervision, and overall coordination of a building, renovation, or remodeling project. Many also perform some or all of the individual construction tasks.


A Remodeling Contractor is a general contractor who primarily specializes in remodeling and renovation work.

Specialty Contractors

Specialty Contractors perform specialty tasks such as plumbing, electrical, drywall, painting, etc. Often referred to as a Subcontractor, they generally work for themselves or with a general and/or remodeling contractor.

Regardless of type or classification, all contractors must be licensed, insured, and bonded.

License Classifications

There are 3 classifications:

• Specialty

• Engineering

• Building

• Engineering

• Specialty

General Engineering Contractor


This professional is focused on fixed works projects. These require specialized engineering knowledge and skill. Projects include irrigation, drainage, water, power, flood control, harbors, dams, hydroelectric projects, and airports. This also includes earth moving projects, excavating, grading, trenching, paving, and surfacing work.

General Building Contractor


Also known as a “General”. The principal business is in connection with any structure built, being built, or to be built. A general building contractor may take a prime contract or a subcontract for any two or more unrelated building trades.

General building contractors may take a prime contract for any project involving framing or carpentry. They can also subcontract with an appropriately licensed Specialty Contractor to perform the work.

A General Building Contractor can perform the following projects:

• Strictly framing and/or carpentry work.
• Hire Specialty Contractors (plumbers, electricians, painters, drywallers, etc.) to perform these types of projects.
• Perform all the work themselves or with any combination of employees and/or Specialty Contractors.

The important point here is that only a licensed General Building Contractor can legally build a house, room addition, or perform interior and exterior framing. Framing is basically building walls, ceilings, floors, decks, balconies, etc.
This professional or company is also the only one who can legally perform a bathroom, kitchen, or full interior remodel.

Specialty Contractor


Performance requires special skill and whose principal contracting business involves the use of specialized building trades or crafts. Often referred to as “Subcontractors” or “C-Trades”.
Examples include plumbers, electricians, drywallers, concrete, etc. Subcontractors cannot perform any other trade that he or she does not hold an active license for.
For example: A plumber cannot perform electrical work. In similar fashion, a cabinet maker cannot install countertops. Specialty Contractors cannot contract (hire) with other Specialty Contractors to perform unlike work. Examples include a plumber hiring an electrician or a cabinet maker hiring someone to install the countertop.

For more information about licensing and regulations please visit The California State Contractors License Board (CSLB) .